TRIX Environmental Policy Basic Philosophy

The most important task imposed on modern people is to pass the right to receive nature's blessings to all creatures including the next generation of mankind. We must also work on environmental conservation to the extent possible in our business activities and products.

CO2/Reduction of energy

Due to the revision of the Energy Conservation Law in fiscal 2008, it was designated as a specified business operator. In order to prevent global warming, we are doing campaign to improve the efficiency of energy resources. We clearly state "reduction of CO2 emissions" in our environmental policy and are further strengthening the prevention of global warming.

Resource Recycling

As an activity of resource recycling, we are reducing the waste of processing materials and reducing waste. By thoroughly sorting out, we will restrain the generation of industrial waste, promote recycling and proper disposal, We are promoting 3R (Reduce: generation suppression, Reuse: reuse, Recycle: recycling) with the aim of a resource recycling society.

Solar panel

In addition to reducing solar power panels, we are using renewable energy as well as implementing our own initiatives to create "energy" by not only reducing power consumption.

CSR activities