Quality Policy

We will maintain and manage the quality management system and continuously improve the effectiveness to provide products that will please our customers.

Priority Themes

1.Compliance with Requirements
We will comply with customer requirements aimed at eliminating the occurrence of serious quality problems, as well as all laws and regulations related to manufacturing.
2.Management by Objectives
We will set quality targets that give top priority to the eradication of serious quality problems, implement measures specified in policy management, and strive to improve quality by implementing plans, implementations, confirmations, and measures (PDCA).
3.Quality first
From the planning and prototyping stages, we identify product specifications and processing bills, and create products with process assurance capabilities.
4.All members participate
Based on policy management, we will promote quality improvement activities with the participation of all employees.
5.Human resource development
We will enhance internal and external training, education, training, QC circles, and improvement activities, with the aim of developing human resources and creating a rewarding workplace.
※The quality policy shall be reviewed annually to maintain its appropriateness.

Environmental Policy

  • In its business activities in the manufacture of automotive parts and the cultivation and sale of strawberries, Trix Co., Ltd. shall clarify and comply with environment-related laws, regulations, agreements, industry and customer requirements, and strive to prevent pollution.
  • In addition to complying with laws and regulations, related organizations will grasp the impact on the environment, establish environmental objectives, targets, and implementation plans, and continuously improve environmental conservation activities to the extent technically and economically possible.
  • In our business activities, we will prioritize the following items among the impacts on the environment.
    ①Appropriately identify significant environmental aspects in the event of an emergency and reduce the risk of an emergency.
    ②In order to strive to prevent pollution, we will comply with the voluntary standard values for monitoring and measurement.
    ③Reduce CO2 emissions from business activities by 60% in 2030 and by 100% in 2050 from our 2013 base year level.
    ④In order to strive for further environmental conservation in environmental improvement activities, we will promote beneficial environmental activities and efficiency improvement.
    ⑤Promote green purchasing and reduce environmental risks.
    ⑥Promote SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to achieve a sustainable society.
  • This environmental policy shall be documented, implemented, and maintained in the environmental manual, and shall be disseminated to all employees and members through education in the environmental management system.
※The environmental policy is reviewed annually and revised according to the situation.
※The environmental policy will be disclosed and distributed upon request.